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Chocolate Danish 巧克力丹麦酥 Main Image

Chocolate Danish 巧克力丹麦酥

Product information


Treat yourself to our Chocolate Danish, where flaky, buttery pastry meets rich, gooey chocolate filling. Each bite combines the delicate crispness of freshly baked pastry with the smooth, indulgent warmth of chocolate, creating a perfect balance of textures and flavours.

Perfect For: Enjoying with your morning coffee or as a sweet snack to brighten your day.

Storage Tips:

  • Room Temperature: Best enjoyed within 1 day.

  • Freezer: Stays fresh for up to 20 days.

How to Reheat:

  1. Microwave:

    • Defrost: 1 min 30 secs

    • Reheat: Defrost 10 mins, then 10-20 secs

  2. Oven/Air Fryer:

    • Defrost: 10 mins

    • Bake: 170°C for 4-5 mins

  3. Steam:

    • Defrost: 10 mins.

    • Steam: Over boiling water for 3 mins


  1. 室温:最佳食用期为1天内

  2. 冷冻:可保鲜长达20天



  • 解冻:1分30秒

  • 重新加热:先解冻10分钟,再加热10-20秒


  • 解冻:10分钟

  • 烘烤:170°C烤4-5分钟


  • 解冻:10分钟

  • 蒸煮:在沸水上蒸3分钟

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