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FEDA Advertising Options (Member Pricing)

This form allows you to build your preferred 2024 FEDA advertising package. Please review the detailed descriptions and associated pricing for each option, and note that some items have limited availability. Once you submit your selections, FEDA will review and respond with a complete quote.

Advertisers may choose from a pre-determined package of advertisements that bundles the options with the highest response rates and visibility among FEDA's audience of dealer and manufacturer members. Alternatively, individual advertising options may be selected a la carte or as add-ons to an advertising package.

This form represents member pricing. Non-members should use the non-member advertising form, which is available here. If your company would like to join FEDA as a Manufacturer Member or Associate Member, membership information is available here.

Option Descriptions, Specifications and Submission Dates

FEDA Weekly E-Newsletter

Weekly digital publication featuring industry and member news, as well as information on the association's priorities and projects

FEDA News & Views Quarterly Magazine

Quarterly print and digital magazine that examines and highlights the foodservice equipment and supplies industry with news, events and insights from the dealer and manufacturer communities

Branded E-Blast

Dedicated advertising e-blasts designed by the advertiser and sent by FEDA to FEDA distributors and/or manufacturer members

FEDA Website Landing Page Banner Ads

Rectangular ads on the homepage

FEDA Website Landing Page Interstitial (Pop-Up) Ads

Windowed ad featured on the homepage

FEDA Social Media Ad Posts

Posts made on LinkedIn, Facebook, X, and Instagram

FEDA Video Marketing Center

A platform enabling manufacturers to seamlessly share video content with dealers for the creation of customized marketing campaigns and sales team training

FEDA Industry Edge Video

Video podcasts featuring interviews with leaders in the foodservice equipment and supplies industry

FEDA Annual Conference Program Book

Special publication, distributed at the FEDA Annual Conference and posted on the conference app, filled with conference details and advertisements

Special Advertising Package Options

These bundles represent the best value level for the most requested advertising options. The items in these packages generate the highest response rates and visibility within FEDA's audience of 1,800 decision makers at foodservice equipment and supplies dealers with sales representing more than 80% of the market as well as 1,300 lead professionals at top manufacturing companies.

Package prices reflect up to a 30% discount off a la carte pricing. Advertiser chooses ad dates where applicable.

$14,800 $10,000

• 12 FEDA weekly e-newsletter ads

• 1 full-page FEDA News & Views magazine print and digital ads

• 2 branded e-blast

• 12 social media posts

• 1 year of unlimited videos in the Video Marketing Center (VMC)

• Exclusive invitation to FEDA Annual Conference VIP Reception

Base Package
$30,170 $20,000

• 24 FEDA weekly e-newsletter ads

• 2 full-page FEDA News & Views magazine print and digital ads

• 4 branded e-blasts

• 3 months banner ad posting on FEDA's website landing page

• 24 social media posts

• 1 year of unlimited videos in the Video Marketing Center (VMC)

• Exclusive invitation to FEDA Annual Conference VIP Reception

• 1 FEDA Industry Edge video

Better Package
$46,308 $30,000

• 48 FEDA weekly e-newsletter ads

• 4 full-page FEDA News & Views magazine print and digital ads

• 6 branded e-blasts

• 3 months banner ad posting on FEDA's website landing page

• 48 social media posts

• 1 year of unlimited videos in the Video Marketing Center (VMC)

• Exclusive invitation to FEDA Annual Conference VIP Reception

• 1 FEDA Industry Edge video

Best Package

A La Carte Advertising Selections

Please note that some items have limited availability. FEDA will need to review and approve selections.

From $4,171

(Minimum 12 ads, $345 per ad)

Select the number of issues and dates. The newsletter is not published on the weeks of Jan. 1, Sept. 23, Dec. 2, Dec. 23 and Dec. 30.

FEDA Weekly E-Newsletter
From $3,989

Select to advertise in all four issues of FEDA News & Views. Includes digital ad on

News & Views ALL FOUR Issues
From $1,036

Select ad size. Includes digital ad on

News & Views SPRING Issue
From $1,036

Select ad size. Includes digital ad on

News & Views SUMMER Issue
From $1,036

Select ad size. Includes digital ad on

News & Views FALL Issue
From $1,036

Select ad size. Includes digital ad on

News & Views WINTER Issue
From $2,418

Select the number of branded e-blasts.

Branded E-Blasts
From $1,410

Ad period options for banner ads on the homepage.

FEDA Website Landing Page Banner Ad
From $1,612

Ad period options for the pop-up ad on the homepage.

Interstitial Ad

(Available to members only)

Unlimited product videos posted to FEDA's Video Marketing Center for use in marketing campaigns by dealers and distributors.

Video Marketing Center

Complimentary and only available with the purchase of a Better or Best Package at this time. Please select if you are purchasing a Better or Best Package and are interested in participating in an Industry Edge Video.

Industry Edge Video
From $3,750

Select ad size.

Conference Program Book

Advertiser Information

Order Summary

Review Your Request

Please review your options carefully before submitting it for review.


Please write here if you have any additional requests, questions or comments.

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