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Welcome to our online shop!

Our vegetables & fruits are sorted in the following categories:

1) Leafy & Salad Greens

2) Mushrooms, Herbs & Citrus

3) Garlic, Ginger, Onions & Leek

4) Asparagus, Broccoli, Cauliflower & Cabbage

5) Potatoes, Tomatoes & Lady Finger

6) Cucumbers, Zucchinis & Eggplant

7) Carrot & Root Vegetables

8) Beans, Corns & Gourds

9) Chilies, Bell Peppers & Pumpkin

10) Fruits

** Promotions!** (No code required)

a) New customers get 8% off first order.

b) Free 1 item. Free item will be the lowest priced item in your

shopping cart up to $3.

(Note: This promotion does not apply if your order consist of all bulk purchase special)

c) Limited-time (valid til 31 March 2023)

- $1.50 off for 1x order above $27.90

- $4.50 off 2x orders above $55

Free Delivery for all orders above $27.90. Payment via Paynow.

Your order will be sent via WhatsApp to us and we will contact you to confirm it.

Please click "Next" to start shopping!

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