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Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification.

Testing Notification, Ignore if you have received this notification. <br>

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
How do I reduce the opacity of an element's background using CSS?

Is it possible, using CSS only, to make the background of an element semi-transparent but have the content (text & images) of the element opaque? I'd like to accomplish this without having the text and the background as two separate elements.

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25


Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
fsdfsdf sdf 21313 12

3 df asdfsdf

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25
asdasd asda

sdasda sd asd

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Mar 25