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DEMARIE- Nebbiolo d’Alba DOC 2021 Main Image
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DEMARIE- Nebbiolo d’Alba DOC 2021

Product information



The Nebbiolo vines that cover the Roero hills are the symbol of the tradition, culture, pride and glory of the Roero winegrowers.

Nebbiolo wine goes back far into history and has been described by Roman authors and in medieval writings. The etymological origins are uncertain: some believe the name comes from the fact that harvesting is very late in the season when the first mists mask the vines, others think it is for the fine grey-blue colour that coats the grapes- recalling the colour of mist.

This is a grape that blooms early and ripens late, permitting the vine to accumulate large amounts of organic substances excellent for the fruit, thus providing a very complete composition which is expressed in the rich opulence and complexity of the wine.

Nebbiolo is the maximum expression of local winegrowing excellence and has always been destined for bottling. On the steep sunny slopes of the Roero hillsides, Nebbiolo grapes absorb those characteristics of refined elegance that make Nebbiolo inimitable and unique, placing it among the aristocracy of the great Italian wines.

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