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Wild Pansy Script Services

From $300.00

Every journey starts with a strong foundation. This is where it all starts. We’ll make sure your logline is rock-solid, that your story structure is professional grade, and that your characters leap off the page. Launch Pad culminates in crafting your outline – and as every screenwriter knows, once the outline is locked down, writing the script is a blast. Because you know exactly where you’re going.

From $600.00

Get your script off the ground. With Liftoff, you get all the help from Launch Pad and we'll keep helping as you start writing. We'll give three rounds of succinct, industry-grade notes at key milestones in your writing process.

From $8,000

All the way from your brain to the industry’s eyes. We’ll work with you, in depth, every step of the way. As you turn in pages, we’ll provide detailed notes, even offering tweaks in dialog and descriptions. You will always be driving the car. But with Stratosphere, we’ll be by your side, holding the map.

From $500.00

You’ve done the work. All you need now are some experienced outside eyes to get it over the top. If you’ve got a completed script, this is for you. We’ll give you notes like you’d receive at top industry levels, and help you craft a plan to implement them.

From $300.00

Selling, Hollywood style. Pitches can seem daunting. Unlike with screenplays, there’s no huge database online of what successful pitches look or sound like. We’ll demystify the whole process, and give you the framework that’s let us sell a dozen projects.

From $300.00

Wikipedia for your career. Have a meeting with an executive and want to know what to ask? Looking for representation? Not sure how to market yourself? We can help.
