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Yoga Arhatique & Business Management

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Yoga Arhatique & Business Management

4-7 Mars 2023 au Forum 104 Paris 6e

104 rue de Vaugirard 75006 Paris

Samedi-Dimanche 4-5 Mars : Yoga Arhatique Niv. Préparatoire

Saturday- Sunday March 4th and 5th : Arhatic Yoga Prep Level

Lundi 6 Mars : Business Management de MCKS

Monday 6th: MCKS' Business Management

Mardi 7 Mars

  • matin Yoga Arhatique Niv 1

  • apres-midi Yoga Arhatique Niv 2

Tuesday March 7th

  • am Arhatic Yoga Level 1

  • pm Arhatic Yoga Level 2

Identification - Personal information

Toute réponse est nécessaire et restera confidentielle.

All answers are necessary and confidential

Surname and name

Marital status

Number of children (if any)


Preciser le cours la date et l'enseignant(e)

Previously completed prannic Healing courses (Please specify course, date, teacher)

Formulaire d'inscription - Sign Up form

The acceptance of your registration at the Arhatic and Arhatic prep levels is subject to the study of your case.

L'acceptation de votre inscription aux niveaux Arhatique et Arhatique prep est sujet à l' étude de votre dossier.

From 150,00€

Enseigné par Master Hector Ramos

* Prérequis : Guérison pranique de base, avancée, psychothérapie pranique.

** Pour les répétants et les Niveaux I et II, merci d'envoyer vos diplômes à

Taught by Master Hector Ramos

* Prerequisites: Basic, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy.

** For repeaters and Levels I and II, please send your diplomas to

Enregistrement aux cours de Yoga Arhatique | Arhatic Yoga Sign Up
From 100,00€

Prérequis : Guérison pranique de base

Prerequired: Basic Pranic healing

Business Management Spirituel de Master Choa Kok Sui

Les déjeuners végétariens seront servis sur place au Forum 104 entre les cours avec gouters

Vegetarian lunches will be served on site at Forum 104 between classes, with snack breaks

Déjeuner sur site | Lunch at the venue

Do you smoke?

Do you consume alcohol?

Do you consume hallucinogenic substances?

Do you gamble?

Are you suffering from an illness? (even if it seems insignificant)

Have you ever had pranic psychotherapy with no results?

Have you ever been hospitalized for psychiatric treatment?

Discount code