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Blacksox 12U Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

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Blacksox 12U Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser


1035 Maine St. Vallejo, CA 94590

April 29th, 2023 @ Dine-in: 3pm-6pm Pick up 4pm-6pm

Orders for all Dine-in Admission and Pick up must be made no later than April 22nd.

For more information please contact: Febe 510.435.2558 or Judith 707.315.9287


Dine-in Admission (3p.m.-6p.m.)

(Tickets are limited to total of 50 in all)

Order Option 1

Pick up order (4p.m.-6p.m.)

Order Option 2

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Thank you for your support!

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Thank you for your support!

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Thank you for your support!

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Amount Due: $0.00

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