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2022 Cardinal Classic Offical Entry Form

By filling out this online form, you agree to the rules and regulations related to particiaptation and exhibition at the Cardinal Classic and agree to adhere to all rules and regulations accordingly.  
$100/head for both Red and Black Ring by Wednesday, December 7, 2022

$125/head for both Red and Black Ring after Wednesday, December 7, 2022.

-Red Ring - Faris Simon, Cathys Valley, CA
-Black Ring - Jerry Mullings, Hollister, FL

2022 Cardinal Classic Offical Entry Form

Questions or have more than 5 head to register, please email

Review and Submit

Please review your choices and submit.

Birthdate of Exhibitor (showmanship):12/31/1969
Animal #1 Birthdate:12/31/1969
Animal #2 Birthdate:12/31/1969
Animal #3 Birthdate:12/31/1969
Animal #4 Birthdate:12/31/1969
Animal #5 Birthdate:12/31/1969