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Couch Family History Book

ADD YOUR FAMILY LINEAGE as part of our endeavor to create a family reunion event that will be remembered by all, we are asking family members to help us and share their stories of who we were in the “Past” and who we are in the “Present”. Our Family has a rich history and we must acknowledge our legacies so that future generations will have a historical roadmap of the Couch Family. You can take part in this memorable experience by illustrating who you are and how your family is connected to the Couch Family Tree. You can do this by sharing photos and acknowledgments in our Souvenir Journal/Booklet. ~Completed Souvenir Book~ FREE with purchase of a FULL PAGE FAMILY AD ➢ Full Page $50.00 ➢ Half Page $25.00 Completed Souvenir Book $70.00

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