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DRS Softball Concession Stand Pre-Order

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DRS Softball Concession Stand Pre-Order

Welcome to FAMU DRS Softball Pre-Order Form!! Please complete the form by selecting the desired items along with the quantity you want (Don't forget to put your full name on order!)

Payments may be made via CASHAPP $DRSSOFTBALL (please put your name in the notes for order accuracy) or cash ONLY!!

*ATTN: ALL pre-orders must be paid in full in order to be filled*

Thank you for your support,

Coach T Evans

Concession Stand List

Please note that each concession stand event may have different flavors, items and pricing depending on availability.

*Please note ALL items are subject to availability and paid pre-orders will be filled first*

Thank you!

$3.00 Peanuts
$2.00 Hot Dogs

Order Summary

Contact details

Please put your full name (no nicknames please) so that we can ensure you receive the correct order.

Thank you!

Review and place your order

Please review your order carefully before submitting it for processing.

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**Once completed please pay via CASHAPP: $DRSSoftball (include your name in the notes section for order accuracy) or by cash directly to Coach Evans**

Any pre-order not paid prior to concessions will not be fulfilled until paid in full!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!

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