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Hanifa & Friends

Hello! My name is Hanifa.

I am a Yazidi living in Kurdistan. I was 11 when I had to flee my home with my family because of a genocide by ISIS.

Almost a decade later, I still haven't been able to go back because of continued instability and conflict in my hometown. Even though things feel so uncertain, my passion for crocheting has given me a glimmer of hope for my future.

When I first learned how to crochet, it was so hard. I made a small bear and it took me 3 days. It was so ugly but I was so proud of myself! I put it next to my pillow and looked at it every day.

Since then, I have gotten better and better and have made all sorts of crochet friends. I have also been able to make specially customized creations that customers request. I am so happy to have found a way to help my family.

I hope you find a friend here with Hanifa & Friends. Thank you for your support!