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Juniper Lou Market Vendor Application: Art-A-Whirl 2024 @ Earl Giles

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Juniper Lou Market Vendor Application: Art-A-Whirl 2024 @ Earl Giles

Juniper Lou Market's goal is to give a platform to those vendors who bring original, handmade, unique, vintage, repurposed, or locally produced items to the Twin Cities market scene. Complete this form to sign up for a booth in our market.

"Art-A-Whirl is the largest open studio tour in the country, which happens annually throughout Northeast Minneapolis the third weekend of May. Art-A-Whirl is a fantastic way to connect with artists in their own spaces, enjoy demonstrations and interactive activities, listen to live music, and enjoy local restaurants and breweries. Art-A-Whirl is free and open to the public." -

This is NEEMAS 29th year holding this art festival with more than 40,000 guests in attendance over the weekend. Earl Giles is centrally located on Quincy St. NE (the epicenter of Art-A-Whirl) making it a perfect spot to showcase more artists and vendors in our Juniper Lou Market in the epicenter of all the action!

We're very excited to be back at Earl Giles for Earl-A-Whirl 2024 on Saturday, May 18th and Sunday, May 19th. This is a two-day event, and all vendors will be required to vend both days.

The vendor fee is $250, which includes both days.

** As of 3/28 we are no longer accepting vintage or jewelry vendors **

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