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Kula-Thon 2.24.2024


Kula-Thon 2.24.2024

Sara Beauchamin is an extremely beloved member of our community and has done so much to support all of the people in her life throughout the years.  The members of the Kula community put this together this fundraiser to do a little something to help her and her family through this time.  Every little bit helps and every little bit is truly appreciated.  Thank you!

February 24th, 2024
7:50am - Buti with either Colleen or Kaitlyn
8:30am - Power Yoga with Robin
9:10am - Barre with Kelly (FULL)
9:50am - Vinyasa Infinity Loop with Gabi (FULL)
10:30am - Buti with Colleen and Kaitlyn (FULL)
11:10am - Pilates with Lauren  (FULL)
11:50pm - Breath Work with Gina
12:20pm - Community Gathering (Snack and Mingle)
1:00pm - Drawings for auction/raffle (no need to be present)

1 - $10
2 - $20
3 - $27
4 - $37

Which classes would you like to register for?