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MHBS Vesak 2023 Ordering Form

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This form is for event registration and purchases for Moh Hong Buddhist Shrine's Vesak 2023 event. Prices indicated are per unit. Please select the offerings and events you wish to register for and the final amount will be automatically calculated for you. Payment can be at the end of the submission via MHBS paynow account. Orders will close on Wed May 24. Please contact Andy Wee (9660 0188) or Jane Yeo (9771 8762)if you require assistance. 卫塞节 2023 活动即將开始!您可以在以下表格注册您和家人, 参加活动所需要活动品项:例如光讚地藏十王寳燈,賜醫驅邪,卫塞鲜花果供佛礼包及其他品项。 示价为单位价格。总数金额将表格的最底端自动为您计算。 您可以在提交表格后,通过 MHBS paynow 帐户付款。 截止日期为5 月 24 日,星期三。 如果您需要任何帮助,请于金城(9660 0188) 或 淑文(9771 8762) 联系。