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Vesak 2024 : Sat May 18 - Wed May 22 卫塞2024 : 农历四月初十至十五日

This form is for event registration and purchases for Moh Hong Buddhist Shrine's Vesak 2024. Prices indicated are per unit. 

Please select the offerings and events you wish to register for and the final amount will be automatically calculated for you. Payment can be made at the end of the submission via MHBS paynow account. Orders will close on Sun May 5. 

Please contact Andy Wee (9660 0188) or Jane Yeo (9771 8762)if you require assistance.

卫塞节 2024 活动即將开始!您可以在以下表格注册您和家人, 参加活动所需要活动品项:例如光讚地藏十王寳燈,賜醫驅邪,卫塞鲜花果供佛礼包及其他品项。 示价为单位价格。总数金额将表格的最底端自动为您计算。

您可以在提交表格后,通过 MHBS paynow 帐户付款。 截止日期为5 月 5 日,星期日。

如果您需要任何帮助,请于金城(9660 0188) 或 淑文 (9771 8762) 联系。

Vesak Fruit Bag 卫塞鲜花果供佛礼包

Please indicate the number of shares | 请注明礼包的数量


for each bag 每包

Each bag contains 12 oranges, 1 packet of longevity buns, 1 bottle of holy water, 1 small packet of blessed rice, and flowers. The collection will be on 22 May, after 10pm.

每包礼包有 12 颗橙子、1包寿桃、1 罐圣水、1小包圣米和一些鲜花。领取时间为 5 月 22 日晚上10 过后。

Vesak Fruit Bag 卫塞鲜花果供佛礼包

Example  例子  :

1. Name & Shares 

       姓名, 数量

2. Lee Sheng Heng,3 


Oil Lamp Procession | 光讚地藏十王寳燈

The event is held on two nights - Sat, May 18, and Sun, May 19. Individuals should only participate in this event once. Please furnish the participant‘s name and number of MHBS pendants according to the preferred date.   

活动将在【5 月 18 日星期六及5 月 19 日星期日晚上】进行。每人只能参加其中一次活动。请选择您想要参与的日期,并注明姓名及持有的巫峰佛堂佛牌数量。


for each MHBS pendant 每个巫峰佛堂佛牌

18th May (Sat night) Oil Lamp Procession  (with MHBS pendant) |5月18日(星期六晚上)光讚地藏十王寳燈  (持有巫峰佛堂佛牌)

per participant without MHBS pendant 每位没有巫峰佛堂佛牌的参加者

18th May (Sat night)  Oil Lamp Procession (without MHBS pendant) | 5月18日(星期六 晚上)光讚地藏十王寳燈  (没有巫锋佛堂佛牌)
Example 例子:
1\. Name of participant \+ number of MHBS pendant
2\. Lim Siew Siew \, 3
       林秀秀, 3
3\. Audrey See \, 0

for each MHBS pendant 每个巫峰佛堂佛牌

19th May (Sun night)  Oil Lamp Procession (with MHBS pendant) | 5月19日(星期日 晚上) 光讚地藏十王寳燈  (持有巫峰佛堂佛牌)

per participant without MHBS pendant 每位没有巫峰佛堂佛牌的参加者

19th May (Sun night)  Oil Lamp Procession (without MHBS pendant) |    5月19日(星期日晚上)光讚地藏十王寳燈  (没有巫锋佛堂佛牌)

Example 例子:

1. Name of participant + number of MHBS pendant


2. Lim Siew Siew , 3

       林秀秀, 3

3. Audrey See , 0


Healing/Blessing 賜醫驅邪

Healing & Blessing 賜醫驅邪

The event is held on two nights - Mon, May 20 and Tue, May 21. Individuals should only participate in this event once. Please indicate the number and names of the participants according to the preferred date. Scheduled timing for each participant will be posted on our homepage and onsite closer to the event.  

活动在两个晚上举行 - 【5月20日星期一, 5月21日星期二】。每人只能参加其中一次此活动。请按首选日期注明参会人数及姓名。佛堂将在接近卫塞节的时候, 透过佛堂官方网站 发布参与者的具体时段及细节,佛堂也将在卫塞现场发布有关详情。

Example 例子:

1. Name of participant/s


2. Lim Siew Siew


Example 例子:

1. Name of participant/s


2. Lim Siew Siew


Example 例子:

1. Name of participant/s


2. Lim Siew Siew


Example 例子:

1. Name of participant/s


2. Lim Siew Siew


Deliverance of recently deceased and wandering souls 設放瑜伽燄口 

Please indicate the number of shares. Typically, one share for each recently deceased, some exceptions may apply. Please contact Emily Low ( 9745 8848) for more details.

每位近年有亲属往生的家属,各可拜祭一份。如有其他的安排及需求,请联系卢传玲(9745 8848)以了解更多详情。请注明您所需的数量。


for each share 每份

Deliverance of recently deceased and wandering souls 設放瑜伽燄口

Example 例子:

1. Name of participant, (name of deceased, relationship with participant)

      参加姓名 (往生者姓名, 参加者关系)

2. Tan Jin Ching, (Tan Tuan Kian, father)


Vegetarian Gala Table Sponsorship 素食晚宴赞助

During our Vegetarian Gala Dinner, we share the blessings of the Buddha's enlightenment and His teachings with all of our members, supporters, families, and friends. Your support with the purchase of seats (rosettes) for your family and friends, is very important to us.

Everyone is welcome. If you are purchasing on behalf of someone, please furnish the name of the additional sponsor/s in the section below. With your kind support, we are also able to invite the less fortunate to join us in our celebration of Vesak.




for each rosette 每个襟花 (bulk discount available for 5 rosettes and above) (5 个襟花及以上有打折)

Rosettes for Vegetarian Gala 21st May (Tue night) 素食晚宴襟花 - 5 月 21 日(星期二晚上)

Example 例子:

1. Name, No. of rosettes


2. Teo Teck Heng,2 


3. Sim Jian Tian , 5


Contact details 联络详情

If you are registering/paying on someone's behalf, please indicate the name of the person you are assisting for ease of recording.


Review and place your order 查查看,再订单。

Please review your order carefully before submitting it for processing.  


请在提交处理前仔细检查您的订单, 谢谢。

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