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Mindfulness Coaching Programs

Coaching is a great option for those who are looking for short term solutions for life issues.

Coaching involves a more direct approach and usually lasts 4 to 12 weeks. the first few sessions of coaching involve identifying a problem, creating a plan of action, and using a highly directed and hands on approach to get you closer to that goal.

Video sessions are held weekly or biweekly and include Intermediate accountability check-ins in the form of voice calls, texts, or emails.

Mindfulness Coaching Programs

You’re a good match for one of these programs if: 

  •  You have a desire to learn and grow.
  • You’re ambitious and seek ways to improve.
  • You see the value in having someone supporting your effort and excited for your success.
  • You’re willing to share feedback about your successes and struggles.
  • You’re open-minded and enjoy learning new ways to do things.
  • You want to cultivate the habits that lead to the success you envision for yourself.
  • You enjoy positive and supportive relationships.
  • You need more positive energy in your life.
  • You seek or have already found a sense of purpose in your life.
  • You want to be happy and enjoy your life.
  • You’re excited to invite new results into your life.

You may NOT be a good fit if you are:

  • Not yet ready for the work. Coaching is about action and accountability. Unless you are willing to make the effort, don’t waste your time and money!
  • Better served by working with a therapist. These programs are future and action oriented. If you feel you need to work through past issues, you may need therapy first.
  • Unwilling or unable to spend the money. Coaching is an investment in your future.
  • Doing this because someone else thinks it is a good idea! No one can make the decision but YOU!
  • Hoping for miracles. I'm not a hope dealer! Coaching is a process and change takes time and dedication. You will get out what you put in.