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Workplace Stress Scale


Workplace Stress Scale

Utilize this form to complete a self-evaluation on your workplace stress. The score will automatically calculate the numbers you answered to all of the 8 questions and see the interpretation below.
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
Conditions at work are unpleasant or sometimes even unsafe
I feel that my job is negatively affecting my physical or emotional well-being
I have too much work to do an/or too many unreasonable deadlines.
I find it difficult to express my opinions or feelings about my job conditions to my supervisors.
I feel that job pressures interfere with my family or personal life.
I feel that I have inadequate control or input over my work duties.
I receive inadequate recognition or rewards for good performance.
I am unable to fully utilize my skills and talents at work.
Interpreting the Workplace Stress Scale Scores
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