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Performance Review

This form is used to complete all performance reviews. 

Rating Scale

0 Not Applicable
1 Unsatisfactory: Performance is consistently unacceptable. 
2 Marginal: Performance is somewhat below expectations. 
3 Satisfactory: Performance meets expectations. 
4 Exceeds Expectations: Performance  is consistently above expectations. 
5 Outstanding: Performance is consistently far superior to what is normally expected. 

0 1 2 3 4 5
Shows normal ability for level of training
Appropriate appearance & dress for work performed
Works consistently with normal alertness & energy
Exhibits desire to achieve & meets goals
Good memory, grasps new ideas
0 1 2 3 4 5
Asks necessary questions at the right times
Grasps instructions, meets changing conditions
Completes tasks well with minimum supervision
Work performed is neat and accurate
Does an appropriate amount of work each day
Follows instructions
Uses tools properly
Submits documentation in a timely manner
0 1 2 3 4 5
Accepts working conditions
Withstands pressure and remains calm in a crisis
Is courteous and cooperative with others
Uses constructive criticism to improve performance
0 1 2 3 4 5
Uses constructive criticism to improve performance
Operates tools, equipment and machinery according to prescribed safety procedures
Follows established safety procedures and techniques to perform job duties, including lifting, climbing, etc.
Ensures that vehicles, equipment and tools are in safe operating condition
Inspects and adjusts tools and equipment for safety and efficiency
Corrects unsafe conditions in work area
Reports any conditions that are not correctable to supervisor immediately
Considerate of co-workers safety

Score of less than 63 requires 30 day follow up

Score of less than 63 requires 30 day follow up

Future Goals

What are some improvements the employee can make to ensure a higher degree of success?




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