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Queens of the Court in Bridgerton: Aug 21

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Queens of the Court in Bridgerton: Aug 21

Dearest Gentle Reader,

You are cordially invited to partake in the most splendid event of the season: The Queen of the Court, a women's mixer hosted by Austin Deaf Pickleball! In true Bridgerton fashion, players will be placed into pools befitting their esteemed skill levels, engaging in no less than two rounds of head of the court. Victors shall ascend, whilst the less fortunate shall descend, ensuring all participants play a minimum of six delightful games.

As the evening draws to a close, those crowned Queens of the Court shall be bestowed with prizes and the most coveted of all accolades: Bridgerton-style bragging rights! One might even find their name whispered in the illustrious pages of Lady Whistledown's society papers.

Date: Wednesday August 21, 7 to 10 pm

Location: Texas School for the Deaf, Franna Camenisch Courts

Fee: $20 (nonrefundable)

Deadline: Until filled (24 players max)

Your generous contribution ensures the ongoing support of Austin Deaf Pickleball (ADPB), a noble non-profit organization in continuing to providing nets, balls, baskets and covering court reservation, facilities, website, processing and miscellaneous fees.

$20.00 Registration Fee

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