Hosted by Triann Benson of Beyond Arnica
You will learn a bit of where Homeopathy came from, what it entails, and how you can employ it in your life today for you and your family. We will be discussing the principles of Homeopathy, the most popular homeopathic remedies and their uses, homeopathic first-aid, and much more.
This course will run for 10 weeks starting either Thursday January 5th or Saturday January 7th (with an additional 2 meetings with Joette TBD)
Thursdays at 1pm eastern 10am pacific
Saturdays at 10am eastern 7am pacific
You will need to pick the best time for the entire duration of the course, you will not be able to switch back and forth once we begin.
There will be 2 live Q&As with Joette that will be scheduled later based on her availability.