“Creativity breeds innovation, so we must breed creativity.”
Students participate in 12-week Project based, Hands-on Learning sessions (1 hour every week) and design solutions to variety of challenges.
Students program unique, simple robots made with Lego® bricks using drag-and-drop blocks on iPads.
We allow them to explore motion detectors, sound haptics, and all else the robot world has to offer.
This program for young ones builds confidence, learning habits and teamwork skills.
The program is designed to stimulate thinking in young minds.
Creativity is encouraged to allow kids to use their imagination to expand or enhance their robot models.
Examples of robots created are a spy robot, a snail and several others.
ROBOTICS 1 [GRADES 2nd to 4th]
A foundational robotics program that familiarizes young students in building actual self-directed robots.
Students learn how to use Lego® blocks in combination with motors and sensors using physical science concepts including gears, pulleys, levers, wheels, and axles.
Students learn to how to construct algorithms and basic programming concepts such as conditional logic and iteration.
They are allowed to construct their very own robot from scratch - spinning tops, flying birds, race cars, cranes, lunar robots, and more are all on the table.
ROBOTICS 2 [GRADES 4th to 6th]
Students in this program create more complex and powerful robots using advanced Lego® kits. Robots are programmed using block programming which is an interface on iPads, laptops and desktops that allows graphical blocks to be drag-dropped on a canvas on the screen.
Students are given access to upper end motors and sensors to experiment with, such as touch, ultrasonic, color, and gyro sensors.
They can build robots that can autonomously lift and drop objects, avoid obstacles, walk, and talk.