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Tay Gek Kook

The Founder
The founder, Tay, who has gone through various challenges and experiences in his life. As a teenager, he didn't have a strong interest in academy and faced a limited future. He worked in different industries, including as an apprentice painter, gas deliveryman, catering clerk, and vessel repairman. However, he realized that his true passion lay in the food and beverage (F&B) industry..... Through trial and error, Tay and his partner worked on improving the formulation, ratio, and cooking process of their dishes until they were proud of the final products. They started sharing their handmade spring rolls and wontons with close family members and received positive feedbacks. Tay believes that their food stands out because it is handmade with love and maintains high standards in terms of taste and presentation. Their loved ones' encouragement and support inspired Tay to dream of reaching more people with their food.... With a leap of faith, proudly presenting SINDEE Singapore.