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SUPO - SVSU Educational Program Review - Classroom Observation Tool


SUPO - SVSU Educational Program Review - Classroom Observation Tool

Classroom observations are a very important part of the Educational Program Review. Your expertise, experience and knowledge are greatly appreciated. With a lens of equity, focus your comments on 'observable evidence'. Feel free to use a paper copy of the observation during your time in classrooms. The purpose of this form is to have a bank of responses that can be used to formulate consensus data during the writing and reporting stage of the EPR process. Classroom visits should be a minimum of 20 minutes. Allow time to transition between classrooms. For any reason that you are not able to observe a scheduled classroom, please inform your EPR team leader so accommodations can be made. Thank you in advance for your service.


·         Lesson appears appropriate for the grade level

·         Lesson relates to Common Core Standards

·         Objectives are posted or shared aloud that align with the lesson

·         Materials are used or available that align with the lesson

·         Introduction or background knowledge is provided

·         Direct instruction is provided to students

·         Guided Practice is provided to students

·         Independent Practice is provided to students

·         Lesson has a closure or summative activity/task

·         Informal or summative assessments are included

Instructional Alignment and Design - Lesson Focused