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Paint, Refreshments and Fun!


Paint, Refreshments and Fun!

Sponsored by the Snows Women's Auxiliary
When: Friday, August 19, 2022.
Where: Snow's Parish Center - 1200 S. Arlington, Reno - 6:00pm

**$40.00 per person includes: **
-Wine and non-alcoholic drinks.
-Gourmet Hors D'Oeuvres.
-Paint Class where you will bring home an 11 x 14 artwork of your own making.
-Door Prizes!! 50/50 Raffle.

Wine and Gourmet Hors D'Oeuvres at 6:00pm - Painting starts at 6:30pm

****RESERVE BY AUGUST 14: ****

  1. ORDER HERE: Use this online form to order and to pay by credit card.
  2. PAY IN THE OFFICE: To pay by check or cash, fill out this order form and bring payment and the form to the Parish Office at 1138 Wright Street in Reno. Make Checks payable to Snows Women's Auxiliary and write ""Art and Wine" in the memo area of the check. There will be order forms in the office if you aren't able to print one.
  3. MAIL IN REGISTRATION: Mail your check and order to Our Lady of The Snows Church, 1138 Wright Street, Reno, NV 89509. Make Checks payable to Snows Women's Auxiliary and write "Art and Wine" in the memo area of the check. If you aren't able to print the form, please include number of people you are reserving for.

    For questions, please contact: Cindy McLaughlin at 775-750-7867

Reserve your spot here. The cost to participate is $40 each and includes wine, appetizers and a painting session. Please specify quantity of tickets.

Donations are always appreciated and will go to worthwhile causes.

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