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I'm using the order form template for my microbakery and I want to integrate a way for customers to pay directly on the form. How do I do this and how much would this cost in total per month? I've seen premium pricing is $18 a month which is suitable.
Asked by Sarah Byrne | 2 hours ago
trying to buy basic plan but its showing 58. how do i remove options to reduce pricing
Asked by Church | 3 hours ago
I noticed that the calendar date, on the order check out form shows a unit price, qty, and amount. How I configure the price?
Asked by Events BlueGhost | 5 hours ago
Hi if I by the basic plan monthly, can i upgrade it later on? thank you

Yes Patricia, you can subscribe to the Basic plan and then upgrade to a higher plan at any time. When you upgrade, the system will calculate the prorated amount and charge the difference.

Asked by Patricia Miguel | Sep 17
Is it possible for clients to input multiple emails in the contact details portion? We have a client that wants multiple people at their company to get notified when they place an order.

Hi Ben, multiple email addresses are not supported. The respondents can enter only one email address in the email field in the form. You can set up your form to send a confirmation email to this email address entered by them.

Asked by Ben Tanen | Sep 17
I am missing Payouts.

When you set up card payments, you can choose to collect payments or get payment authorization when they submit the form. You have enabled the "Pay on approval with hold payment" option in Neartail. Neartail's hold payment feature allows you to get payment authorization when the user submits the form and then collect the payment anytime within the next 7 days. To collect payments, login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > click Orders > In the Orders page, click on an order to view the details > click Collect. Please note that the authorization will automatically expire after 7 days. Once expired, it will display an error when you try to collect payments. If you would like to collect payments immediately when the user submits the form, then login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > In the Edit page, click on the gear next to the Place order (submit) button > Button settings page will be displayed > select Disable for the "Pay on approval with hold payment" option and click Save.

Asked by Katrina Steward | Sep 16
| 8 Replies
The site is available but no one can place an order. This is causing me to lose business. Please fix this ASAP.

Hi Linda, What is the issue with placing orders? are you getting any error messages when you submit the form? Please share the details.

Asked by Linda Comrie | Sep 16
| 3 Replies
My link is not working

Hi - What is the issue you are facing with your form link? Are you getting any error messages when open the link or are you not able to submit the form? Please share the relevant details. Note: You have closed your form. Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > In the Neartail Edit page, click on the form title to select it > click on the gear icon next to the form title > Form settings will be displayed > click Advanced > uncheck Close this form option and click Save.

Asked by The Crag Facturas | Sep 14
I’m using an iPhone to make a Google form for a running event registration. When I try to add on the neartail for payment it crashes. Can you advise Thanks

Open a private window in your Safari or Chrome browser, login with the preferred google account and then install the Neartail addon. Please try this and confirm. If you face any issues, please share a screenshot of the error.

Asked by gems*******om | Sep 14
Hello, We would like to take payments via SQUARE and I cannot see a way to do that here. Please help.

HI Melissa, Currently, Neartail does not have direct integration with Square for payment processing. Available payment options We have integrated with Stripe (Card, Bancontact, Paynow, Cash App, iDeal) and Paypal (Paypal, Venmo) for automated payments. In addition, you can also enable manual & offline payment methods such as UPI, Cash App, Zelle, cash on delivery, bank transfer, check. Enable payments Login to Neartail. Click on the form to open it. Edit page will be displayed. In the Neartail Edit page, click on the gear icon next to the Submit button. Button settings will be displayed. Click Enable payments. The payment options supported in your country will be displayed. You can configure the preferred payment options and click Save. Once you complete the setup, you can use the Neartail share link to submit a response and test the payment process to ensure everything is working correctly

Asked by Melissa Brown | Sep 14
| 3 Replies
My payment failed everytime i try it "amount is not configured correctly" i already tried everything i also ask chatgpt it said i have to check the configure validation i also done that but still not working . also i want to add payment for indonesian payment method like BCA bank . please help me this is for my homework and also for my father bussiness company

Amount configuration error If you are getting an invalid amount configuration error, then it indicates that the correct form fields are not mapped in the Summary settings page. Summary settings Summary settings page allows you to select the relevant fields for the form for the Amount, Discount, Tax, Delivery Fee, Tip, Net amount option. The mapping in the Summary settings allows Neartail to identify the field with the amount to be charged and pass this amount to the selected the payment option such as Stripe or Paypal. If you have mapped a field for the Net amount option, the answer for that field will be passed to Stripe. Otherwise, the answer for the field mapped for the Amount option will be passed to Stripe. You will get an "Invalid amount configuration" error if the Amount, Net amount options are not mapped correctly. Since you are calculating only the amount in the form, you just have to map the correct field for the Amount option. Login to Neartail > click on the form to open it > Edit page will be displayed > In the Neartail edit page, click on the gear icon next to the form title > Form settings page will be displayed > Click on the configure fields icon next to the Save button > Summary settings page will be displayed > Select the "Total Amount" field for the Amount option, select None for the Net amount option > click Save. Payments We have integrated with Stripe (Card, Bancontact, Paynow, Cash App, iDeal) and Paypal (Paypal, Venmo) for automated payments. In addition, users can also enable manual & offline payment methods such as UPI, Cash App, Zelle, Lydia, cash on delivery, bank transfer, check. Enable payments Login to Neartail. Click on the form to open it. Edit page will be displayed. In the Neartail Edit page, click on the gear icon next to the Submit button. Button settings will be displayed. Click Enable payments. The payment options supported in your country will be displayed. You can configure the preferred payment options and click Save. Once you complete the setup, you can use the Neartail share link to submit a response and test the payment process to ensure everything is working correctly. Bank transfer is a manual payment method. When you enable this payment option, you can enter your bank account details so that users can make the payment to your account directly. Manual payments When a user places an order, the payment status will be either marked as "Pending" (not paid) by default. If the user clicks on the Mark as paid button, the status will be updated as "Paid, not verified". Once you verify the payment, you can mark the order as "Paid". Automated payments When this option is enabled, users will be able to submit the order only if the payment is successful. Please note Paypal charges a transaction fee.

Asked by Hell Knight | Sep 12
Hello, I would like to create a form for my small company to manage orders only for Christmas. Will it be possible to take only a two-month subscription? Thanks

Hi Alexis, if you need the form only for a short term for Christmas orders, you can choose the monthly option when you subscribe to the paid plan. Monthly subscription is automatically renewed each month. You can use it for 2 months and then cancel the subscription after Christmas.

Asked by alexis rey | Sep 10
not sure what the price is for using the order form pricing and accepting payment. I so not want to upgrade - just use the pricing and order payment features. I do not need website design or whats app messaging or meal software or even canteen. looking to keep the form as is for use with an audience of 140 people. Looking to pay upfront if there is a discount for the year.

Hi Kim, If you just need to calculate order amount and collect payments in your clothing order form, you can subscribe to the Neartail google order forms paid plans. You get a 50% discount on the monthly pricing when you subscribe to the annual plan. Neartail google order form pricing

Asked by Kim Goltermann | Sep 10
debating between plans. trying to figurer out what would work best for our company. Does the team pricing point of $420+ a month come with a form submission cap like the other tiers of your plan does. We are trying to create a menu to run for an event with an addendence of 5,000+

Hi Anya, If you are expecting 5000+ orders for your event, you can subscribe to the Neartail Team plan that supports up to 10,000 orders per month.

Asked by Anya Braddock | Sep 9