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I'm using the order form template for my microbakery and I want to integrate a way for customers to pay directly on the form. How do I do this and how much would this cost in total per month? I've seen premium pricing is $18 a month which is suitable.
Asked by Sarah Byrne | 3 hours ago
trying to buy basic plan but its showing 58. how do i remove options to reduce pricing
Asked by Church | 3 hours ago
I would like to disconnect SSO via Google and create a new password.

Hi Natalia, Formfacade uses Google Sign-in exclusively, and there is no option to disconnect SSO or create a password for login. You will need to continue using your Google account to access Formfacade.

Asked by Natalia Quiroz | 5 hours ago
I noticed that the calendar date, on the order check out form shows a unit price, qty, and amount. How I configure the price?
Asked by Events BlueGhost | 5 hours ago
Would like to know a better price plan for a business use

Hi - If you would like to add score calculations in your form, you can subscribe to the Formfacade - Assign points paid plan or the Formfacade Enhance paid plan that includes all the Formfacade products. You can choose the plan based on the expected responses per month and the features that you need. Please refer to the link below for pricing details. Formfacade - Assign points pricing Formfacade - Enhance pricing

Asked by APV Financial | 8 hours ago
How to fix the problem: This form has been flagged for phishing, click here to report this form. If you believe this is a mistake, click here to unblock this form.

Hi - We have reviewed and whitelisted your form so that the warning message is removed. Please check now.

Asked by INTRANET SECTUR | 8 hours ago
One of my team members will be analyzing and scoring my surveys. All of the forms are in my account. I do not want to share my Google login info. Can I add them to the account?

Hi Jeff, you can your team member as an editor in the form to provide access. Please note that they will have to subscribe to the paid plan using their email account to continue using Formfacade after their trial ends.

Asked by Jeff Veley | 13 hours ago
| 2 Replies
want to know about the different price for the available options in scorecery

Hi - If you would like to add score calculations in your form, you can use Formfacade - Assign points (also known as Scorecery). You can refer to the link below for pricing details. Formfacade - Assign points pricing

Asked by kirt*******om | 19 hours ago
Hi if I by the basic plan monthly, can i upgrade it later on? thank you

Yes Patricia, you can subscribe to the Basic plan and then upgrade to a higher plan at any time. When you upgrade, the system will calculate the prorated amount and charge the difference.

Asked by Patricia Miguel | Sep 17
Is it possible for clients to input multiple emails in the contact details portion? We have a client that wants multiple people at their company to get notified when they place an order.

Hi Ben, multiple email addresses are not supported. The respondents can enter only one email address in the email field in the form. You can set up your form to send a confirmation email to this email address entered by them.

Asked by Ben Tanen | Sep 17
The form it's not working at all, I am not getting emails as well

Hi - You are seeing the response limit reached warning message in the form because you have already collected 20 responses. You will have to upgrade your account to use your form. Neartail is a paid product with a 7-day free trial. You get the first 20 responses free during this trial period. If you would like to collect more than 20 responses or continue using it after the trial period ends, you will have to subscribe to the paid plan. Neartail pricing

Asked by pedi*******om | Sep 17
| 5 Replies
Hi, How can I calculate the total of all sections at the end? Please give me formula.

You can use the Scorecery addon to assign different points for answer choices and calculate the overall score, section scores or category scores. If you would like to calculate the section score by adding the points for all the questions in a section, then you can use the POINTS(SECTION) formula. You should add a short answer question with this formula in each of these sections to calculate the section scores. For detailed instructions, refer to the links below. Calculate section scores Demo video

Asked by meer*******om | Sep 17
New updates to enhance form security

Our current system already scans forms for malicious content and automatically displays a warning message in unsafe forms. However, due to a recent increase in reports of such forms through email and support channels, we are introducing a new Report Abuse option directly within the form. This new feature will make it easier for users to flag any suspicious activity, helping us respond more quickly. Please note that this option will not appear when embedding the form on your website. Additionally, we're working on a future update that will introduce identification verification for added security when creating websites. This will allow us to remove the report abuse option for verified users and forms. We’ll keep you informed about the upcoming security updates.

Posted By Vipin | Aug 31
Expand Your Sales in India with ONDC Integration

We're integrating ONDC (, an open network for digital commerce, into Neartail for our Indian customers. ONDC allows you to sell the products listed on Neartail directly to users on Paytm and other apps, expanding your reach without paying exorbitant fees to these platforms. Let us know if you're interested!

Posted By Hari Karthikkeyyan | Aug 9
Get more people to respond to your Google Forms

We're launching Formfacade's new product ( transform emails into Google Forms responses. Your respondents can send an email to (or, and our tool will automatically extract key information and populate your Google Forms. This makes it easy to track and manage sales inquiries and feedback that your customers send you. We also plan to send questions to your respondents so they can reply via email instead of filling out a form, potentially increasing response rates. If you're interested in using it, please comment below and let us know if you want to transform emails to or get more people to respond to your Google Forms.

Posted By Mani Doraisamy | Jul 1